7 Slaney Street & Well Lane, Wexford Town, Co. Wexford, Y35PK72
Very well located property adjacent to the vibrant main street of Wexford town and offering superb potential to develop with various uses. Passing footfall is very high, neighbouring businesses include McCauley Pharmacy, Paddy Power, Turas Nua and Restaurants.
The property comprises an impressive commercial unit on Slaney Street offering 220 sqm over two floors and boasts a large store to the rear accessed via Well Lane in Selskar with a further footprint of 200 sq m on the ground and 50sqm on the first floor. The property is located on Slaney Street opposite Dunnes Stores at Redmond Square with the rear opening to Well Lane at Selskar.
Planning for a development of 9 apartments - Expiry Date 26/12/24 Planning Ref. 20190359
Full maps and particulars from sole selling agents.
Planning for development of 9 Apartments - Expiry date 26/12/2024 Planning Ref. 20190359
Prime town centre ocation with parking
Footprint of 470sqm approx.