Meenacladdy Lower, Gortahork, Co. Donegal, F92V2D6
Sale Type: For Sale by Private Treaty Accommodation is as follows
- Hall: 2.65m x 5.10m
- Sitting Room: 3.8m x 4.25m
Open plan with stove
- Kitchen: 4.53m x 4.13m
- Utility: 2.93m x 2.05m
- Bedroom 1: 2.41m x 2.85m
- Bathroom: 2.0m x 2.88m
With spa Bath, separate shower, tiled flooring
- Bedroom 2: 2.97m x 4.0m
- Bedroom 3: 4.14, x 4.12m including ensuite with T90si shower
-Bedroom 4: 4.2m x 6.07m
-Bedroom 5: 4.64m x 5.61m
-Shower room: 2.64m x 1.69m
Electric Shower
Vinyl flooring
-Landing & Storage: 2.16m x 2.63m