Kilmacrennan, Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal
A parcel of grazing land totalling (c.7.33 hectares) c.18.10 Acres for sale in 1 lot located in Kilmacrennan adjacent to Gortnaskeagh, Termon, Co. Donegal. Contained within folio DL 27499 Plan No 26.
The subject property is situated on the edge of the Lurgy River (a Natura 2000 protected site) which flows into the River Leannan, a portion of the land is contained within the River Leannan Special Area of Conservation (site code 002176).
CLOSING DATE 25th April 2025
Boundaries and areas outlined are indicative only for discussion purposes
Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate at the time of inspection, are for guidance purposes only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract, no statement in these details is to be taken as fact, the particulars are set out as a general outline for guiding potential purchasers, the address, descriptions, dimensions, maps, images, references to condition or access and any other details are provided in good faith and are believed to be correct at the time of publication. All prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the details contained within any advertisement by Brendan McGlynn & Associates Limited. Brendan McGlynn & Associates Ltd nor any of their employees have any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to the property.